Sunday, September 12, 2010

Finally the Final!


Well it is official! On September 1st, after a lengthy inspection we received 
final approval from the City. Basically that gave us the green light to move
 back in the house. Hurray - no move Apartment! No more Self-storage!

Hello stuffed to the rafters Garage!!

So on September 4th - We packed up the apartment and moved the arduous
 2 blocks back home. (U-Haul was quite mystified why we only put 7 miles on the truck!)

Which the timing couldn't be closer- the boys started school the next Monday.
So basically it gave us the weekend to move the boxes, and toss them more
or less in the appropriate rooms. To unpack and sort out later.

Wow! It was an helluva lot of work and stress! It was around May 1st when demolition
of the house first began. At the time, I thought I might just be a nuisance and pop by the
construction site every day or so. Little did I realize that this would become
my new full time job. Pretty much there everyday - sometimes 4-6 hours!
Whether it be shopping for materials - overseeing workers, or just
cutting checks.

But the house is looking and feeling great. For once everything is fresh and new.
 No tattered siding, peeling paint, or sagging ceilings.
...Or backyard to cut grass.
We haven't had time or money to get the lawn and grass re sodded.
It going to need all new sprinklers and landscaping design. Figured we can tackle that later.

Here is a picture of me and my contractor, Eddy.
Thanks to him  - we were able to pull this house remodel off and on schedule.

Here is Eddy accepting final payment.

Thanks to all you who have subscribed and followed my first attempt at "Blogging:"
In the end, I couldn't update nearly as much as I had planned. (Day by day??...right!)
But we have appreciated all the support and kind words. It had become quite the endeavor,
and we wish many of you could be closer here to enjoy the with house with us.

To close - my mantra...
"Somebody owes me a Summer!!!"