Friday, April 30, 2010

Slide #4 - The Porch (The Porch)

This is our classic redwood decking porch. And probably most underused area of our house. Of the entire time we been here I can think of maybe 4-5 times we actually relaxed on the deck. Kids make good use of it however - many a nerf battle took place on this makeshift fort.

Southeast View of the House

Here is a southerly view of the house as seen from our neighbors driveway. This side of the house takes the brunt of the sun and the paint is really blistered away. The little crawl space door tucked away between the bushes had to be reinforced shut. Had trouble with cats and skunks forcing it open and sleeping under the house.  Let me assure you, you do not sleep very well with a skunk making his home directly under your bedroom!

North View of House

Here is a north view looking down the driveway. There is debris from the garage starting to line the walls heading for the trash. You also get a better idea how our paint is chipping away.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Well - here goes everything!

This is our house as it currently exists. It was built in 1920 and been through various remodels and additions since then. Some of them actually legal! We have lived here since 1994 and been debating for a few years whether to remodel or buy new. We really love the area we are in - the kids have good friends and a great schools, so moving was not much of an option. Of course with any project this scale there is always risk and a great deal of uncertainy. Much like the early sailors set a course across the flat earth, never knowing when they might fall off the edge.
Hope to have regualr updates on the progress as it happens. Hope!